Friday, November 6, 2009

blablabla me

the sun shine bright today as at the other side of world they're actually having peaceful night to share dreams...

same goes to life.. as people said that "I've been BLESSED" as some people are actually facing difficulty to live...

Today I'm behind the spotlight as i can seee the truth as it is... but people cant see me as im nothing and nobody...

I'll have to wait for the right time to turn back things the way it is...



faizal : hye, can i talk to "W"
W: ye saya....
Faizal: saya nak sedikit details tentang cik.. erkk.. Puan???
W: ye ade ape yang boleh saya bantu??
Faizal: baiklah, status awak ape ye?? berkahwin ataupun....
W: maksud awak sekarang?? sekarang saye belom berkahwin....
Faizal: sekaranglah.. takkan kejap lagi pulak kak~ hehe(ketawa nak taknak)
W: owh.. kalau kejap lagi saya dah kawin lah.. hehehe (ketawa gembira)
Faizal: erkkkk ape maksud akak ni?? (perasaan ingin tahu)
W: saya tengah bersiap ni nikah petang ni.. sekarang tengah masak-masak...
Faizal: LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! tahniah la kak... saye telepon sebab akak nak jadi garantor untuk kakak...
W: hehehehe takpe... ade ape-ape lagi yang boleh saya bantu??
blablablabla.....(conv. berlalalu)
FINAL WORDS: TErimakasih kak dan selamatlah bernikah petang ni~
Hmmmmmm hari bahagia akak tu dah datang sedang aku stress melakukan kerja-kerja ini... what a life... I can even feeel the happiness from the voice!! cheh.. TERUS BEKERJA!!